Imprisoned on the other side of the universe, the mighty Thor finds himself in a deadly gladiatorial contest that pits him against the Hulk, his former ally and fellow Avenger. Thor's quest for survival leads him in a race against time to prevent the all-powerful Hela from destroying his home world and the Asgardian civilization.
Twin brothers Raja and Prem are separated at birth after their father exposes a kingpin and his racket. They eventually come together to battle a smuggling ring and save their family from certain doom.
Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde team up to uncover the mystery behind the fourteen missing predators. They end up finding out that the conspiracy is larger than it seems.
Thrilled by his experience with the Avengers, young Peter Parker returns home to live with his Aunt May. Under the watchful eye of mentor Tony Stark, Parker starts to embrace his newfound identity as Spider-Man. He also tries to return to his normal daily routine -- distracted by thoughts of proving himself to be more than just a friendly neighborhood superhero. Peter must soon put his powers to the test when the evil Vulture emerges to threaten everything that he holds dear.